The white netting makes an appearance as we prepare the final plot to receive the Brassicas. We are growing Cabbage (lots of Cabbage), Cauliflower, Brussels, Kale, and Broccoli on that plot. With some space also for leeks we hope….
Desi is attending to the Tomatoes which like the potatoes are benefitting from this sunny period, after what was a turbulent May.
We may get a good crop of pallets too with 6 or so coming along nicely. We are collecting them together to make our compost bins for which we’ll be needing 9 altogether, so a good start with these.
The next picture gives a different perspective of this weed drying process. Once dried, we will separate the weed from the soil and then burn it. The ash will then be put back into the soil: a good source of phosphorus which is great for plants.
Taken from the road, you can see the whole allotment in the next picture. It is gradually taking shape from a “weedy field” to a working plot. Still huge amounts to do, as we have big ideas (no plans). We are taking this as it comes, the allotment itself guiding us at every step…
The last picture from behind the rather battered polytunnel. The runner beans are doing well. They are going to make it!
Notice in the black buckets some Jerusalem Artichokes we have been given - allegedly like small potatoes going by the funny nick-name of "Fartichokes"... we’ll let you know about them.