17th July 2021, Warmer weather requiring regular visits at this time of year
The Terrace basic outline structure is complete. We now have defined borders facing the road, an area where we can plant some flowers and bring a bit of colour to the plot. The Passiflora is in place threaded through the trellis, hopefully this sunny spot is to its liking.
Notice we now have one lid on one of the compost heaps, which was sorted this week. This is not yet affixed to the actual compost bin and we are going to use “heavy weights” for the time being to ensure the lid doesn’t’ disappear!
This area by the side of the polytunnel is fast becoming a work area, doubling up also as a rest area while there is construction elsewhere. The strimmer is proving to be a good acquisition: rechargeable battery lasts about 30-40 minutes of cutting. May buy a second battery but to be honest 30 minutes per day is enough grass/weed-chopping. Mixing it up seems to be a better approach, little and often!
The Courgettes seem to really like it where we have placed them. They are huge now and already courgettes forming. We’ll be picking very soon.
Butternuts are also beginning to spread their wings. We have put additional “left over” tomato plants in as well. It’ll be a race to see which ones manage to stake their claim first.
All in all, for a first year, where we were quite late to the “growing” party, things are progressing quite nicely at the moment.