10th July 2021
Chasing the season, but progress is being made.
With the digging to get the ground ready for the season only just finished in May, late planting of any kind of seeds, construction work then beginning, plus maintenance work to keep nature in check (as best we can) and keep things tidy, well... we have not been idle down at “the Haven”.
This blog post is just giving us time to take stock and take a look at what is going on...
The ground is now beginning to fill out It’s amazing when you first put things in the ground how it all looks very small and insignificant and yet now you begin to wonder if you have given everything enough space!
In the foreground of the first picture is our Brassica area: pointy cabbage, round cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, kale, broccoli, and some leeks to finish off the square.
One of the challenges that we’ve got with the growing areas is that they are on a slope. This means that water “runs-off” and we get uneven irrigation. This is something that we would like to do something about next year but for this year let us just get some crops!
In the second picture you can see the leeks.
In the 3rd picture you can begin to see the allotment plot beginning to take shape and the garden is now filling up. We have the following veggies:
Potatoes, carrots, parsnips, beetroot, celeriac, chard, tomatoes, butternut, courgette, cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, kale, broccoli, leeks, onions, French beans, runner beans and also aubergine and peppers in the polytunnel!
This is not a bad start when you consider we have been chasing ourselves all year!