25th March 2022, Potatoes, Pallets, Clearing Up and Review
This first picture is the outcome of some pretty exhausting work: dismantling pallets is a different exercise depending on the state, format, age, and origination. Sometimes it is easy work, on this occasion pretty demanding. Anyhow, all done now and enough wood here to create the structure in which our potatoes are going to grow.
And so, the reduced spare pallets / wood is now relocated and stored on a single half plot.
The next picture is from the top of the plot. In conjunction with our water pipe being moved to the centre of our plot, two further water pipes have been installed: one here as you can see and there is another one just out of the image, right on the edge of the plot on the other side of ours.
A quick tour around now…
You can see we have now buried the water pipe under soil in front of the polytunnel. And that slab with the holes in it will be located (in due course) under the tap, so we can stand the watering can on it.
Out front, we moved some grass to finish off the slab entrance, down to the cold frame / compost bin area.
Just awaiting April now, when (we know from last year) everything will spring into life. But we are being aware that there could still be the odd chilly (freezing) night and this can continue until the end of May!