Tuesday, January 17, 2023

That’s a Good Idea, a Wormery

 30th November 2022 - That’s a Good Idea, a Wormery

Do you remember we had dumped a pile of weeds at the end of the row of 4 square raised beds and I asked what on earth is going on there… well we are building a wormery. The worms made short work of the bind weed, couch grass and other weeds, so, we thought we could build a little place to tidy these “difficult” weeds away and coax the worms to grow and multiply in their own little house. The allotment has plenty of worms already, but you can never have enough worms. They aerate the soil, worm casts are amazing food for plants, and they take the goodness (manure etc.) down into the soil where the roots need it. A worm= an all-round desirable creature to encourage multiplying on your land.

The second picture shows exactly where the wormery is located from a different perspective. This old black sheet we found on the plot. Didn’t seem to be too useful at the time, but it was the perfect size for 3 walls of this wormery. Another piece of good fortune. No measurement, just went to see if we could use it and it was the perfect size, couldn’t have measured it any better… perfect coincidence once more!

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...