20th July 2022 - What a lovely spot to hang out
In this first picture, maybe our first courgette? The Echinacea has flowered and what a beautiful flower it is too, I (Chris) really hadn’t been paying much attention to flowers until Desi mentioned she wanted the allotment to have those too…
The tomatoes are progressing well and we’re hoping the wonderful dry weather continues so we can harvest plenty of tomatoes this year. The whole planter area, with the decorative fence and the grass backdrop has turned out so pretty… a lovely place to chill out in these warm, long, summer days.
Another beautiful picture of the herb box and the corner of the raised bed. Unfortunately the Coriander and the Dill have moved quickly into seed mode, which means we’ll have to sow some more elsewhere, but it is sooo good having herbs on tap… I’ve noticed that we use herbs way more now they are available on tap and they are full of vitamins. We will be drying and also freezing some of them this year, and maybe next year grow more of them.
Behind the polytunnel, construction of the second box shelf is now nearly completed. Still the strawberry bed to complete up top, but I think that will then be it for this section behind the polytunnel. The boxes will need lining to keep them from rotting, and we must also find a way for them to drain otherwise we’ll have floating plants in here.
This next one is a narrow view (portrait picture) of what we can see from one part of the terrace. The cucumbers growing up the side of the polytunnel are doing nicely too…
In the last but one picture is another small corner of the allotment, very picturesque. We are really appreciating how nature is supporting us in creating this natural work of art on the allotment.
The artwork continues in the last picture. The Lobelia are doing amazing and together with the lush green of the 3 lettuce varieties, just amazing.