Friday, December 3, 2021

First Documented Visit of 2021

27th March 2021

Coming back after winter and the festivities of Christmas. 

As you can see by the pictures, spring is advancing with the fresh signs of green growth. The winter has done its job of breaking down the soil with freeze-thaw and it is much more workable and the weeds easier to extract than prior to our winter break.

We had already been down to the allotment a few times prior to these pictures. As you can see in the picture above the two smaller plots have already been dug, ready for the brand-new polytunnel that Desi had as a Birthday present. We haven’t even had a chance to consider putting this up with the wind and rain but the time approaches now. Neither of us have ever erected a polytunnel before so we are excited to take this task on… perhaps next week!

In the final picture you can see the plot is beginning to take shape. The three roughly 4m x 4m main growing plots with their associated paths are now clearly visible and the 3m x 3m plot mapped out for where the polytunnel is going to go. The rest of the plot is as yet undefined, but we know there will be a rest area and composting bins.

As we were digging the polytunnel areas we took advantage of some bags of free leaf mulch from one of the allotment holders and dug that in too. This mulch will hopefully add some minerals back into the soil ready for tomatoes and other crops destined for inside the polytunnel during the coming season.

Acquisition of some “free” bricks meant that the fire could grow a bit too…. More space now to actually burn things! (weeds etc.)

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...