18th May 2022 - It's Only 2 Weeks Before Summer
Outside the potatoes are starting to really flourish. In the foreground the kale is producing a lot of yellow flowers. We have got quite a lot of brassicas coming along. The problem we are going to have is where to put them. The weather is marching on, the season also… 2 weeks only and we’re into the summer months!
Around the back of the polytunnel, in our newly created raised bed, it's looking good. The Lobelia are now planted, all 10 of them. These should give a nice bright blue display half way down the plot and bring a nice bit of colour to the vegetables. We intend to plant some lettuce in the middle area. Peas have been sown directly behind the polytunnel. We like peas. These were just sown straight into the soil.
Round the front of the plot, the plants are all doing well, including the broad beans in the raised beds.
We've found a new home for the strimmer until the second box arrives. Top left, you can see I have been busy with the strimmer cutting down the overgrown foliage on the new plot. It takes about three battery charges worth of energy to now cut the grass / weeds on both plots. As we develop the area, this will come down for sure as we turn more of the land into working soil areas.