Thursday, December 29, 2022

The “Haven” Has Really Arrived…

 19th May 2022 - The “Haven” has really arrived…

The allotment, affectionately called “the Haven”, is certainly living up to its expectations now. Although not possible (for us) to just go to the allotment and sit there enjoying the space, fresh air, nature and tinkering, we both are in agreement that this would be a very good way to spend some days.

There is still much to do in terms of the new plot, and also erecting substantial enclosed (netted) areas that is much easier for us to access (planting, harvesting and clearing). We both are in agreement that harvesting needs to be easy, and the wetter and colder it gets the easier it needs to be.

In the first picture it is hard to believe that in October 2020 we put the first spade into what was a flat piece of ground covered with weeds, grass and brambles. We have worked hard but we have to pinch ourselves sometimes and be so grateful for this food production capability we have created from those humble beginnings.

The grass is now coming along, and it is so nice to see a rich strip of green that adds to our terrace and entertainment area.

Behind the polytunnel the construction appears to have fired up again. What is going on? The upper parts of the structure seemed a bit empty and hence some lightweight shelf is being erected so that we can perhaps grow some salad leaves in the spare guttering that we have. Whether they are left in these or once established plant them out who know. All part of our intention to grow food wherever it is possible up, as well as along.

Keeping the new plot free from weeds and tidy at this time of the year does consume ½ day a week as nature picks up the pace from April through September.

The portrait picture of the new path (lawn) is showing how the grass is beginning to knit together, although there are plenty of gaps. We may sow again (fill in gaps) next spring once we see how a full yearly cycle has gone.

Looking through the trellis down the allotment, a couple of marigolds have been planted there in the raised bed. The slugs are enjoying the newly planted flowers… if you spot Desi in the picture, I think she has a slug pellet tube in her hand! Nothing seems to stop these slugs!

In the last picture, it looks like the Pasiflora has begun its 2022 play, beginning to shoot from all parts of last years growth. It will be interesting to see how much it grows, 1 year in…

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...