2nd June 2022 - Back to The Grind…
As we turn our attention now to Plot 2. here is a chance to take a photo for posterity at an instance in time. This is Plot 1. Apart from planting out and now having to look after those plants, fruits and vegetables as they grow and mature during the next 4 - 5 months, we are pretty much finished here for the time being. It’s been a good start to the year and we are very satisfied with the progress.
The herbs at the bottom left of the picture are doing well, oregano, mint and chives. Just across the new path on the other side of the fence is an interesting plant. It’s name is comfrey and it is used as a fertiliser. Basically once it has grown (possibly a bit bigger than it is here in the pot) it can be cut back and then put into a jar filled with water, closed and left to decompose. What you get is a very good feed for the plants but there is a price… it stinks, not just a bit, but a huge amount, very nasty… do it on a windy day with no one around, to maintain your popularity!
Desi getting stuck into the hole she has been excavating for the potato covering soil. This has all gotten a bit hard and quickly this year on account of the lack of rain. The trouble is, we have a hole but nothing to fill it up with at the moment, making planting in this spot a bit of a challenge.
Except for finding some spots to plant everything we don’t really have much of an idea about what to do with the new plot yet, we’re hoping that it kind of arranges itself a bit like plot no.1 did.
It feels different facing the challenge of plot no. 2 knowing that plot no.1 is there and we can always retire for a cuppa and a biscuit in semi luxury (in allotment terms).