4th June 2022 - Tending the Flock…
We are definitely getting some slug damage going on. The slugs love this time of year. Plenty of moisture still about for them, nice long warm nights, and lots of delicious sweet young plants to wreck. We have had to cover the Courgette (which you can see under the white box in the bottom right of the first picture). These slugs have been ravaging the Marigolds too, but luckily these flowers are quick growing and managing to stay ahead of the onslaught.
The cold frame is useful to keep the slugs away too and we may have to investigate the beer traps this year as the volume of slugs is causing issues for us. Having the polytunnel insulated with wood walls will definitely reduce the problem of slugs in there, however the prevalence of wood all over the plot now provides many hiding opportunities… always two sides to every coin!
We’ve taken down the majority of Kale and the rest of the brussels along with the white net. We are going to plant Swede this year in this area, a good dense winter crop. The potatoes are doing their own thing as is the Purple Sprouting. We have two unexpected hedges at the end of the “Haven” now.
In the last picture, the Passiflora is now entering its growth stage, by the looks of it. It was looking a bit gloomy a few weeks back, but it has shed the winter blues and is now making great strides. There are shoots everywhere and if it continues like this we’ll be trimming it back!