Sunday, January 1, 2023

Go - Go - Go!!

 9th June 2022 - Go go go… it is all happening now!

Tea for two? This is the life: tend to the “Haven” and then retire to the terrace for rest and recuperation. The echinacea plants are being chomped on by the slugs, we’re willing them on to survive though, each day the slugs have taken another shoot down… now looking for those offenders! The grass is looking nice and tidy though!

Round at the compost bins, check out those Horseradish plants! The sweet peas are also doing really well and we have a new landing mat for the step down to the compost area - a anti-slip step mat being thrown away - so we rescued it and installed it. It will be surrounded by stones in due course as we dig them up!

We’ve re-enforced the herb box as it was struggling… and hoping the sweet peas are going to outgrow the horseradish - bit of a competition here.

Looking quite nice and tidy from the road in the next picture. Will be lovely when the sweet peas are all in bloom.

Behind the polytunnel, the regular peas are doing well. The garlic (in pots) are growing nicely and the Jerusalem Artichoke looks very healthy, doing very well in this location. The multi-coloured plant in the pot is from Bulgaria and is called Zdravetz (it's a cousin of geranium).

Up top on the shelf behind the polytunnel the old yoghurt pots are doing well with radish in them. I think we have overplanted with 3 in these, but next time we’ll know better.

Check out the new bed! All done, the old makeshift polytunnel area has been reworked and it is now ready for planting. This new plot extends beyond the recently dug bit, to where the tyres are holding down the black plastic. So we have a fair bit of new land. Hard work though. Chris has made a makeshift wall with some old wood and rubbish. This drops down to where all that grass is… this is the path between the end of our plot and the neighbour's (which hasn't yet been re-assigned to someone new yet, but will be, soon).

Our pepper plants are warm and cosy in the second cold frame box. They are coming along nicely: a mixture of peppers and chillies… hope Desi can remember which is which 😅

The potatoes might start flowering soon. They are getting a little top heavy too. About this time last year we started to worry about blight… all good so far!

In this next picture you can see the whole plot we now have. From the white box at the bottom, right across to that black plastic in the distance, and then up to the road from the polytunnel on both plots. Quite a nice bit of land! Now we’ve got to get the new plot organised ready for what’s left of this year and properly ready for 2023.

The polytunnel is getting stacked up with plants that are awaiting planting out. Some of these will now go into the ground that's just been dug, but there is more work to do there beforehand… it feels a bit like last year now, busy trying to get soil ready and chasing ourselves once more.

We’ve got some Alysum seedlings on the shelf under the top there, plus leeks next to the polythene of the polytunnel… and the lemon / orange trees seem to like it in the warm here.

Things are shaping up with all the plants and the season is galloping ahead… but very enjoyable at the “Haven” this year… really we couldn’t be happier!

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...