Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Here we go again! 2022

 7th February 2022, Here we go again! 

Welcome to 2022 at the “Haven”.

Well we’ve had over a month away from the allotment. It is amazing how you can get out of the habit. There are always plenty of other things to do that do not involve getting wet, mud, cold, wind and physical effort. It is very easy to understand how once the habit is broken, things get left and then it progressively becomes more and more difficult as the work to be done grows and grows, quite literally.

If things are not started by April then by the end of April things have started to run amok, vegetation everywhere… So February 7th things are still in hibernation mode (Nature still dormant) and a chance for us to hit the ground running with a few jobs before things get “out of hand”.

A quick run around the allotment with pictures here, just to see how things have survived the coldest, wettest part of winter thus far.

Things are pretty much how we left them. The construction work is where we left it. We’ve brought the strimmer down to give the grass a once over but not too short… really don't want to be doing that until the grass can get enough light and warmth and is starting the growing season in the Spring.

It is amazing how desolate and brown things look at this time of year. Decayed or dead, just getting ready for the new season. The canes from the tomatoes are strewn on the floor, mounds of earth from last years construction jobs, and the remains of the Brassicas. 

The polytunnel looks a bit of a shambles… we will have to get that sorted pronto as we will want to start seeds off and maybe use this area for storage before putting things outside in the soil proper.

At least with the grass cut, we have a little bit more order on the allotment. It is amazing what a difference just cutting the grass can make.

The Purple sprouting has done well… It has survived the worst of the winter and we’ll probably need to move it into the plot near the fireplace so we can prepare the old Brassica plot for whatever we intend to grow there this year.

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...