Friday, December 23, 2022

Inside, Outside, Next Door Too

 16 / 17th April 2022, Outside and Inside the polytunnel, and new plot beginnings

The basic structure is complete around the rear of the polytunnel. Ok it is not secured inside the polytunnel, but that is coming next. The cross members are in pairs to give extra strength and pots can be slotted inside each pair for additional growing of things that do well in pots. You can perhaps see one Yoghurt pot in the middle pair already?

Inside the polytunnel the digging has commenced. Basically, we need to create a wood ledge that the metal tubular frame of the polytunnel can sit under securely and thereby not affected by the weather.

We have been busy on the new plot too, trying to clear around the gooseberry bushes. Hopefully if they have space to grow we will see some gooseberries this year, but we don’t hold out much hope. Looks to me like they need a good prune and maybe the year after something will come of them. We have all this year to prepare them, if we want to keep them. There are blackberries and raspberries buried in the grass along with the gooseberries, just needs a good sort out really.

You can see the finishing off task here in the third picture, the bottom of the compost bin, cladded now. Hopefully this will be the end of the rats getting out from the compost bins through this escape route and begin to deter them further, fingers crossed!

Back to the inside of the polytunnel. We have now attached wooden planks to the bottom of the back outside wall, at the bottom. Underneath these planks you can see the tubular frame. The right side is a little bit at an angle because, as mentioned before, the whole polytunnel was on a slight angle since we put it up. When the rear wall is affixed inside the polytunnel, it will enclose the tubular frame, and it will be locked tight, hidden and enclosed. 

December 2023

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