Saturday, December 10, 2022

It’s nearing completion, the raised bed that is

 24th October 2021, It’s nearing completion, the raised bed that is

Well, the main construction work of the raised bed is now complete. We’ve brought back Silpi to help transfer the mud from the huge mound back into the raised bed. We lured him back with a promise of BBQ’d food and a couple of beers and that seemed enough to do the trick.

We will need a couple of additional cross supports to help with keeping the box intact as the pressure from wet mud is likely to bend the outside wall that has been put together with sections of pallet.

Another view of the raised bed from the other side, now it is full up. You can see how the bed is fairly close to the polytunnel providing some shelter for the lower sections and also a rock solid base for the polytunnel frame. This frame isn’t going anywhere this winter! Although there is already damage to the polythene sheet from the extreme weather conditions in May, earlier this year.

Quite happy with the pair of raised borders, glad the task has been completed this year as we can at least relax over the xmas break knowing the polytunnel is secure.

We will have to see whether we need to adjust the type of soil in this bed. Could grow carrots or parsnips, but the soil might be a bit too cloggy for these. We shall see how the planning pans out for next year and see how we will organise the vegetation…

Right! Onto the next job! 

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...