7th October 2022 - Allotment Challenges
In the first picture, the string, the stakes and the bottle on the stakes (eyes not being poked out) have all disappeared, all gone, in what looks like yet another piece of vandalism. Even the tyre marks have been blatantly left for all to see. No one is hiding their actions. What do you think? Someone lost control of their vehicle, or just wanting to be a nuisance? Anyway, thankfully the wood and stakes remain.
This issue of vandalism on the allotment has been an ongoing issue. It is known who is responsible, but they would do much worse if accused or challenged about it, so we just let it be, move on, and repair / resume when it happens.
Here the tyre marks clearly visible. The footsteps in mud to the right of the picture are mine. As I begin to level out the soil and prepare for the next stage of the building process.