Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Construction Continues As Does The Weeding!

 8th October 2022 - Construction Continues As Does The Weeding!

We’re running out of days this year. December is a bit hit and miss and we’re going to be away for over two weeks towards the end of the month, plus we’ve got to get this top plot ready for the manure which is going to be dumped on this top bit and that is coming next month! … so got to press on with the construction when the weather is good.

In this first picture, the the side panels have been installed and now preparing for the second raised bed wall that separates out the flowers section from the vegetable bit that extends down to where the white door is laying. This top bit will be a stepped drop, so sorting out the levels and moving the soil around.

The second picture is a different perspective from just below where the new terrace is going to be positioned. Right in the middle of the plot giving a nice 360 degree view of this new plot.

Meanwhile, over in our cabbage and brassica overspill mini plot, Desi is performing some miracle weeding. Check out the back bit she hasn’t done yet! Marathon job to be honest even though the plot is relatively small. I think it is like this because when we dug over this bit which was under black plastic when we inherited the plot… we just popped in the plants and didn’t do any weeding (they were all dead) but the roots live on and the seeds are only suppressed. 

This was the closest to “No Dig” we have come to. The black plastic suppressed weeds as we carried on with other areas, then when we were ready, up came the plastic and in went the plants, but… no dig doesn’t mean there is no weeding. Definitely a very beneficial way of getting a plot under control without having to keep tending to it… until you are ready, that is.

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...