15th October 2022 - Second Terrace Preparation!
Bigger than originally prepared, the terrace needed some additional digging out. My guess-timates on the space needed for 3 pallets came up a little short, so extra digging and levelling out was needed.
In the second picture - a closer look at things. Chucking all the extra soil onto the second section where the vegetables will be. This soil here is very sandy. Maybe it was once used for breaking down plasterboard and cement. We will get delivered manure at some point and that will hopefully add some nutrients and fiber.
The "Sledgy" is making an appearance again to hammer in the stakes that will support the pallets. More stones, 3 buckets now!
Here we go, two other pictures providing other views from different sides of the hole.
So the process for making this terrace will be as follows:
Create a hole that is large enough for the size of the terrace; deep enough to be able to protect (in whatever way decided) from vegetation growing underneath.
Drive in sufficient stakes to place the pallets onto. Must use a spirit level to ensue everything is at the right height.
Place black plastic into the hole in such a way as to restrict light, prevent weeds etc. but with holes to enable water to drain away.
Place rubbish on the black plastic
Affix the Pallets
Board up the sides to prevent creatures getting in there (birds, rats, mice etc. ) as they may not get out again and we don’t want blood on our hands.
Finally lay the surrounds for the decking boards, and then screw on the decking boards.
This is the plan, although we will not be finishing this side of Christmas as we will complete the project in the spring when the weather improves.
There is a video about this HERE (https://youtu.be/QqP4M0rIsxs)