18th November 2022 - Shorter and Colder Days = Less Time at the Allotment
This top part of the new plot is now almost ready for the manure which will arrive next Tuesday 22nd of November. We are now on Friday 18th so just a few days to go. This has been quite a rush job to get everything ready in time, especially now the days are shorter and not guaranteed to be nice weather. We have been fortunate so far though. The pressure of something happening on an exact day is good motivation and certainly helps to get things done!
The next picture is from a different perspective. We like taking pictures like this as it sometimes inspires new features, and maybe gives us ideas, especially on what to do next. When reviewing the pictures in the evening, at leisure, the ideas form on how to do things and this makes best use of the time at the “Haven”.
Another perspective in the 3rd picture. The soil all nicely levelled and for the first time really you can have some good idea of how things will look next spring. This plot has come quite a long way in the 8 months since we’ve had it. We are quite pleased to have got this far, with everything else going on at the same time.
The final perspective of this top section. From this perspective you can see something that happened whilst we were away in Hungary. The weather was pretty grim while we were away, lots of wind, thunderstorms and very heavy rain. Check out the polytunnel. Basically the weather tore to shreds the whole plastic covering sheet and the whole inside is now exposed to the weather. We are not going to attempt to fix this until the spring, when once again we will be able to use it, and repair it when the weather is much better too.
The fallout from the polytunnel means that we also have a lot of plastic bits to clear up. But the frame is in good shape. We have already acquired new sheeting, but on this occasion we will really think about how we are going to secure everything, and make it easy to replace, should the same happen again, which to be honest is inevitable. You have to take the setbacks just as you take all the good stuff, just learn from it and go again!