Sunday, December 18, 2022

No End to The Smaller Projects and Getting Ready for Growing Stuff

 14th/15th March 2022, Yet More Smaller Projects and Getting Ready for Growing Stuff

The final post for the front has been added to the compost bins! Well, actually not the last one, as there will be another one, in the corner, then another one in the diagonal corner. In the fullness of time we will be using these posts to attach trellis and then have fruit growing up them. Over the compost bins there will be a grape vine (when Desi finally manages to cultivate a cutting!). Growing upwards is part of our plan to derive as much as we can from this little plot of land.

In the next picture take a look at what has happened at the bottom on the compost bins which I was talking about in the last post. We now have a wooden base on which to put the green planters which were given to us by a kind allotment neighbour. Additionally, the raised bed container has been created for the flowers at the front of the plot. The whole front section is gradually coming together. Notice also that the trellis by the table is now leaning, that was done by the wind last month. Another job for us is to secure this trellis. As it fills up with plants it will become more resistant to the wind, but we do need to sort this out. We now have to work out how we are going to do this…

In the 3rd picture, notice the pole with the white paint at the top? We are hoping to get this removed when the water is put back on at the end of March. It's currently smack-bang in the middle of the path we are creating into the centre of the plot… let’s hope they are ok about moving it.

In the last picture, the step down into the area of the compost bins and the cold frame is taking shape. This also provides additional strength for the wooden beams and the side of the raised bed. As we have said before these groundwork jobs are small and quick and make quite a difference… lots still to do though!

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...