Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Buzz (and other things): Part 1

 8th April 2022, Things are starting to buzz on the allotment, and other stories!

Part1 : Well we’ve got some old friends back by the looks of it. Desi is sorting herself out by the compost bins, spraying some essential oils mixture with peppermint in an attempt to wreak havoc with the rats' alleged very sensitive noses. We have lovely scented rats now!

In other news, look what else turned up? A couple of decorators “rests”, they stretch planks between them to stand on and paint. No idea where they came from, one day we found them just chucked on our allotment. We asked around, no one is owning up to having done the deed.

Things are drying out nicely at the top of the plot. Although everything is looking bare, plants now at this time begin to show signs of life. Need to get this old path in front of the terrace dug over and sifted, we are entering the time for sowing grass now, Spring is spot on.

What is this in the next picture? Some green grocery plastic boxes, more wood, white plastic container, with soil in it? Where have they come from… As the saying goes, you had to be there to see it, in this case, you had to be there to not see it… more on this later! 

 The last task on plot No.1 in front of the polytunnel is to level the soil. We need to do this anyway but we are going to have to wait for the back of the polytunnel to be at least in a state we can leave to attend to other things.

In our wood harvesting mode, we always find a fair amount of wood we can use in the fire, or possibly a BBQ is on the cards, as the weather is warming up? 

The onion bed is growing nicely and behind that are the Purple Sprouting Broccoli - we'll be eating soon at this rate.

The plot from the bottom looking up the path is a far cry from what it was like same time last year. We are pleased with all the progress, but it just goes to show, doesn’t matter how it is today, we always seek to improve. 

The first two walls of the construction behind the polytunnel have been made… next job is to site it properly and then affix to either the raised bed or something else (when Chris has made up his mind), this is real-time construction, total absence of plans except for whatever transpires in the mind at the time and the case.

Desi walking about amongst all of our wood artefacts, do you have any idea what time is this? … yep 7pm… hoorah, we are able to work later again once more now the clocks have gone forward (last week). It's so nice to have the light evenings back again, and will stay like this until October!


Check out the polytunnel, final picture: the path has been laid, outside we have sited the “big grey slab” as a step into the polytunnel. Still lots of work to do to finish this all off, but taking a turn for the better for sure…

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...