Monday, December 12, 2022

Planning the lid

10th November 2021, Planning the lid

It might not look like it but these two pictures reveal the planning for the lid. The plastic tile itself is fixed and can’t easily be adjusted. It fits across the walls, and down the length, but not all the way as you can see.

The walls themselves are not finished as they are to be double skinned, these haven’t been finished yet as depending on how the lid and other bits are designed we will end up with different outcomes. One step at a time, and because we are kind of making it up as we go along, it is all a bit of guesswork, and trial and error.

Any ideas what the milk cartons are for and also the big square blocks of wood with holes in them?

The Milk containers are where they are as a guide. This is where the plastic lid is to finish - where they are resting on the wooden poles. The whole box is not quite square. This will be absorbed by the length of the walls and will disappear because it will be a little oversize… There is a bit of a method in this madness!

December 2023

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