Sunday, December 11, 2022

Shorter days, less can be done!

 5th November 2021, Shorter days, less can be done!

With it being the last month of Autumn, and the clock having gone back, the daylight hours are beginning to be squeezed. The ground rarely gets dry these days, which hampers progress to a few hours per day at the allotment.

In the first picture, moving on now to produce the second wall and now beginning to think about how to do the ends of this box. Settling on placing another thicker piece of wood beam on the inside of the first wall. It will enable a wall to be screwed to these bits of wood thus sealing the end, but additionally another round of wood can be used on the other side of this wood (on the outside) to produce a kind of double skinned wall, helping with heat retention maybe…

The second picture provides a few from the other perspective. We did manage to source almost unused pallets (I think they had been used once only) for this construction project. Hopefully once coated in wood preserver they will last well.

The wood for this second wall was harvested from pallets used to deliver roof tiles from Germany. The wood is quite resilient and of good quality, with an interesting finish, although it looks a little dirty here.

The bench seat and the shelf at the top coming in very handy for keeping bags off the floor, refreshing cups of tea and as a place to store gloves and phone chargers.

The next two pictures showing the plot of soil where we had planted recently removed tomatoes, courgettes and butternut squash. This soil took us best part of a month to dig 1st time around! On this occasion - around 4 hours… Such is the improvement in the soil… so many worms as well!

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...