Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The next project beckons

 16th September 2021, The next project beckons

And here is the multifunctional bench seat in operation. The functions of the bench provide a nice end to the terrace, a seat built in as we have limited space, a nice divider between the terrace and the pathway on the plot, and a convenient place to put things whilst we are at the “Haven” as can be seen in the first picture.

Here we go! The next area of the allotment that needs attention. As you are aware if reading through the blogs, the polytunnel took a bit of a caning in May this year and off the back of that, we have decided to secure the polytunnel (from flying away) with strategic raised beds, built around the perimeter. This will serve 3 main roles :

  1. Secure the polytunnel

  2. Provide more useable growing space

  3. Take away a weed problem for a while (a long while hopefully)

So back to the digging we go. There seems to be little we haven’t dug these days. While digging rough bits of ground such as this, we harvest three things. Stones, Weeds, and the rubbish we unveil. All three have a purpose. And our selection of acquired black buckets come in very handy for this process.

Another process that we have had to become adept at is, processing the food that is grown. Here a pile of broccoli, some runner beans and potatoes, post chopping off the bits the wildlife had been enjoying.

There was a fair harvest of potatoes but a significant amount was lost to underground creatures. We have learnt our lesson, next year we will do better!

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...