10th September 2021, Produce and Produce
Some more results of our labour:
In the jars Desi has made some sauerkraut with the cabbages, runner beans, French beans and peppers from the “Haven” and we received a cucumber from another plot holder who had too many cucumbers for one person to consume.
The runner beans have been amazing, producing harvest after harvest pretty much non-stop since July! Is that a courgette cake I see there also?
The bench seat is getting closer to completion. The difference between the previous pictures and this one is that the remaining fascia of the front has been filled in (far right of the back support panel). Also more easily visible on the second picture of the bench seat the remaining decking will serve as a ledge to put things on once the back of the seat is completed. A mini bar? Or more likely a place to put a cup of tea and keys :)