28th August 2022 - A Late Summer Whizz Around The Plots
As summer begins to wane and the first signs of a brown tinge begin to appear on the eaves of some trees we find ourselves also chopping some of the excessive bountiful growth. On the let of the first picture here is a pile of courgette leaves. There were too many of them to cram into the compost bins!
The latest bed of soil reclaimed from the weeds is now ready centre-stage in the picture next to the cloche. Still plenty of growth and food to go though even now!
In the second picture a better look at the recent cultivation on the middle plot here. To the right of the cloche, some radish; further right- a new set of peas have now germinated.
Looking across the plot towards the polytunnel, the melons are getting to grips with their location and growing nicely, sadly too late for sure. We have made some good progress on this second plot, but still plenty to do. As we extract the weeds we’ve been placing them next to the road. This is preventing the grass from growing (less to mow), and will rot down as well… we’ll move it when we begin to sort out that section of the allotment.
Swinging the camera around a bit and now looking at the lower part of this new plot. We have rolled the black plastic back to around ½ way and dug a trench to place these upright pallets into. These have been pegged into position. The melons are growing on one section of this patch covered by the plastic, and we have cultivated the uncovered side which was quite well rotted under that plastic (a testimony to no dig, we’re thinking) we just lifted the soil to aerate and remove some of the roots, and then popped in these spare cabbages. Sprouts yet to go in there. I’m not sure anything much will come of these as it is very late now. Maybe they’ll turn into spring cabbages, and Easter sprouts!
A closer inspection of our endeavours from the bottom of the plot, standing on the pathway between our plot and a currently vacant lower plot. This used to be covered in a carpet (not actually permitted, we didn’t put it down there either) but the bindweed that had taken a bit of a hold here, was very dry (and dead) and fairly easily extracted. Next year will tell us if we have been successful at removing it. The cucumbers, growing up the builders netting, have produced quite well, even though they also had a chequered start. The location we put them in can also be improved next year. The ones grown here were less bitter than those in front of the polytunnel which were probably struggling there with the heat and full-on sun.
Check out the butternuts. There are four in the open here, and interestingly they are all a bit different. These butternuts all started out as seeds from a single vegetable originally grown in 2018 and although inside the flesh is the same, last year we got two different types. This year it has become 4 types or more.
Even though it has been a race against time, and essentially a repository for plants we couldn’t get in the other plot, this new plot has proved to be successful in 2022. Ok, next year will definitely be more organised and we’ll derive way more from it, but on the whole we can’t be disappointed. The cherry tomatoes here are producing nicely, the peppers look like they will definitely do something too. The butternut is making its way along the path now. Hopefully we will get upwards of 20 butternuts this year.
In the tall raised bed the parsnips and beetroot are doing well, the strawberries look like they are flowering up for a second batch, that would be an autumn bonus too. We have now added this circular beam to the top of the wooden plot surround, this will enable us to add a bit more of the woodchip to the path.
The blue Lobelia's flowers are coming to an end now, the lettuce has been eaten / removed from the middle and we have planted a lot of flat leafed parsley. We do love our parsley, especially in soups and it really is packed with vitamins.
Down by the fire plot, the carrots are doing well now, plenty of lush green foliage. We’ll probably sow some more there, as carrots are quite hardy and will carry on the cold.
Notice we have taken down all the purple sprouting. This had grown so tall and out of control, we had stopped eating it anyway as it had become stringy, time to conserve the soil, not just grow plants we weren’t consuming!
This is a great picture across the bottom section of both plots combined. In the potato construction on the right hand side now the foliage is dying back (indicating that the potatoes are almost ready), the polytunnel and the raised bed are on the left. In the middle are the swedes and courgettes, and beyond this the sweetcorn, tomatoes, butternuts et al. The vision for the allotment is very clear looking at this picture… an interesting multi level, abundant garden where you never quite know what you will get around the corner…
In the late summer there is still time to grow Coriander and Dill. Both of these herbs are quite hardy and will grow probably until late October or early November depending when the first frosts begin to appear. We planted them alongside the chilli peppers which have done very well thus far.
The next one is a portrait picture along the grass carpet path and the beautiful colours from the flowers… what a lovely spot this is! It will be a shame to see it go as we descend into the autumn.
On the terrace it is becoming difficult to sit without having the bees just an inch or two away as the flowers overflow the raised bed. It is an absolutely beautiful spot though.
Look at these amazing tomatoes! Maybe there have been 5 or 6 such boxes of tomato treats apart from all the times we have taken them in different containers, not to mention the times we have just picked the cherry tomatoes and just ate them as we wandered around the “Haven”.