Saturday, January 7, 2023

New Plot, Growth And Harvesting

 22nd-26th August 2022 - New Plot, Growth And Harvesting

While the “Haven” is busy producing vegetables and flowers, apart from attending to their needs with some food and water, there is time to both enjoy the space that has evolved and to continue the work to develop parts which we have not yet got around to.

In the first picture, another chunk of this middle section of ground has been dug over. This extends this section for us to plant yet more cabbage that is still not in the ground. Could we call this spring cabbage? We haven’t planted spring cabbage, and it might not be the hardy variety that does well in the cold, but I guess we are going to find out soon enough. To the right in the picture we have sown some more peas, as the other developed some dry mould which finished them off. We have some more radish in the ground too… 

Down at the bottom of the new plot, the melons are advancing nicely. We’re not really sure what we are doing with these, and we’re both dubious as to whether we will get anything that is edible because we were so late getting them planted.

Back overlooking the sweetcorn plot, if you can remember what this looked like when it was first planted, today it is quite different - now it is very much a wall of foliage! The sweetcorn cobs (or at least some of them) have produced lovely looking (and tasting) sweetcorn. The butternuts are on the rampage and we are now harvesting beans as the weather has cooled down.

The Gooseberries are looking a bit sorry for themselves as they have undergone a massive "haircut", fresh and ready for us to work with the bushes with intent next spring. The Butternuts are taking full advantage of the space around here and powering through to the path on the other side of the Gooseberry bushes. The Mallow plant giving this bed a nice dash of colour too. 

Thus far on the new plot we have managed to get enough ground ready to plant peppers, tomatoes, melons, cucumbers, radishes, runner beans, sweetcorn, butternuts and peas. That isn’t too bad considering we didn’t really start until the beginning of summer.

The new plot is kind of taking shape more by accident than design, but it is really nice to have some more space to work in… the 1st plot was so space restricting that we were dismembering pallets on other people’s disused plots and in the road!

In this last picture we once again pay homage to nature and its abundance. Another lovely crop here with cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, runner beans, oregano, basil, holy basil, seeds for next year (runner beans, radish) and some Elderberries for immune system boost … so rewarding!

December 2023

  2nd December 2022 - The festive month has arrived and it is now officially wet all the time The long wait for the holiday season is over, ...